me taash &melody !

tha girls ( some of us )
melody lylah & meeee .

Hi my names Samantha.
I attend Kaitao Middle School I'm in Room 18 Expressive Academy
Its pretty cool at times.
Expressive Academy is all about things like Drama and Arts as I enjoy those
subjects but I enjoy sports even more.
I play Basketball for School , Our teams pretty skilled :)
I have millions of mates at School.
My favourite teacher would have to be Mr Apperley he's cool.
This term just a week gone about 60 students from Kaitao competed in Stage Challenge.
I happened to be one of those 60 students , to get where we got we had to practise hard and a lot
we practised every Sunday and sometimes during school and after school.
Our theme for Stage Challenge was out school motto's e.g Respect Honesty and Compassion.
On Tuesday the 28th we preformed at the Convention Center , we competed against 4 other schools they were Forest View High School , Western Heights Primary , Glenhome and Saint Marys.
According to Miss English we preformed fantastic! I think so too.
We came back with 6 wonderful awards I think we did Kaitao School proud.

♥ wayne.